F2E&RGBA Meetup 三月號



主題:一起來玩轉 front end 開發工具



講者:Salvador de la Puente

講題:   Virtual Reality on the Web with A-Frame

講題簡介: A-Frame is a library for building VR experiences on the Web. A-Frame not only reduces boilerplate and hide those aspects related to complicated 3D maths & graphics but it also leverages web technologies enabling the use of HTML and DOM API for scene management and manipulation. Discover how to create compelling VR experiences with this kindly introduction to A-Frame.



講者:CJ - cjies.com

講題:ES module bundling with webpack 2

講題簡介:Webpack 2 now knows how to work out the ES2015 import/export natively, and coming with some anticipated features like tree-shaking and code-splitting. Lets see how they can further minify our bundle much smaller than ever before!





F2E&RGBA Meetup




時間大約是 2 小時,每一位講師分享 30 分鐘。

7:00 入場

7:20 開始自介,自介完才能吃 pizza 喔~~

7:50 準時開始

PS. 請自備杯子,我們會減量提供杯子,這次只會提供 5 個杯子。所以請務必自備喔~
iCHEF 交誼廳 / 台北市信義區松山路132號3樓


チケット種別 販売期間 価格
前端愛好者 ($200)

2017/03/22 12:00(+0800) ~ 2017/03/29 12:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料

~ 2017/03/29 19:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料